Get in touch

White Eagle Lodge North West

1a Bourne Street, Wilmslow

Cheshire, UK



How to find us

Directions to our regional centre in North West:

Our Activities

Regional Activities September 2024 to March 2025.

Distant Healing Groups and Contact Healing Services.

Distant healing groups and contact healing services will be held on the following afternoons, during 2024/2025, details of which ,are given below;

14th September, 26th October (morning session) 23rd November, 1st February, 1st March.

The distant healing group is open to anyone, who would like to serve as a distant healer. No experience is necessary, and a very warm welcome will be given to newcomers.

Contact healing treatments will be available during the contact healing services, which will be carried out by trained healers. The contact healing treatments can be offered through physical contact (hands on) or without physical contact, if preferred. Please confirm at the time of booking whether you wish to attend either or both of these services. Open to all.

12th October, 2024 Contact Healing Refresher Day with Frank Hansen.

Frank Hansen, our contact healing facilitator from New Lands, will be visiting the north west region to lead a refresher day, which is open to all contact healers who have done their training at New Lands. The emphasis during the day, will be on special and additional treatments, as part of our CPPD, in the contact healing work.

Please bring a packed lunch.

2nd November, 2024. Themed afternoon. 'Acceptance as part of the Healing Process.'

An afternoon when we shall look more deeply at the meaning of acceptance and how meditation in the light of White Eagle's teachings, assist in the healing process. The afternoon will include a meditation. Open to all.

14th December, 2024 'A Celebration of Christmas'.

An afternoon when we shall celebrate Christmas in communion, quiet contemplation and listen to White Eagle's teachings and sing carols, under the Star. Open to all.

22nd March, 2025 Themed Afternoon. 'Forgiveness and the Pathway to Freedom.'

An afternoon when we shall look more deeply at the meaning of forgiveness, in the light of White Eagle's teachings, and understand how meditation plays its part in this process. The afternoon will include a meditation. Open to all.

Please note the following

There is no charge for any of the services or activities in the north west region, but voluntary donations are welcome. Bookings for each meeting are essential, because the number of seats in the hall are limited. You are most welcome to bring a friend if you wish and it would be most helpful if you could confirm how many will be attending at the time of booking.

Refreshments are available during the break.

Sadly, we ask anyone who is experiencing cold like symptoms, to resume meetings once a full recovery is made.

We look forward to welcoming you to our meetings.

For further information, please contact Jennifer using the email address at the top of this page.