Get in touch

White Eagle Lodge North West

1a Bourne Street, Wilmslow

Cheshire, UK



How to find us

Directions to our regional centre in North West:

Our Activities

Regional Activities February to June, 2024:

Distant Healing Groups and Contact Healing Services.

Distant healing groups and contact healing services will be held on the following afternoons, details of which are given below.

24th February,   13th April,  11th May (morning, contact healing only), 29th June, 13th July.

The distant healing group is open to anyone, who would like to be a sitter on an Distant Healing Group. No experience is necessary and a very warm welcome will be given to newcomers.

Contact healing treatments will be available during the contact healing service, which will be carried out by trained healers. The contact healing treatments can be offered through physical contact (hands on), or without physical contact, if preferred.

Please confirm at the time of booking whether you wish to attend either, or both of these services. Open to all.

30thMarch, Easter Service.

Our Service of Worship at the time of Easter, will be an opportunity for us, to draw together in communion, and quiet contemplation and listen to White Eagle readings with an attunement, and relaxing music.

Open to all.

20th April, Retreat Day.

Our Distant Healing work in the Lodge-‘To Love is To Serve.’

Frank Hansen, our healing facilitator from New Lands, will be leading this day at Wilmslow and discussing the importance of distant healing, as the foundation of our healing work.. He will be looking more closely at group work, and how it helps us in our spiritual unfoldment. He will also explain the need for the changes which are now being made to our healing lists. Frank will lead a rededication of healers’ service at the end of the day. This retreat day is open to all and the re-dedication of healers’ service is open to members and healers. (Lone, earth, and animal and contact healers.) Please bring refreshments and a packed lunch.

25th May, Themed afternoon.

‘Seeking our pathway to peace, in challenging times.’

An afternoon when we shall look more deeply at the meaning of peace and how to find it in challenging times, in the light of White Eagle’s teachings. The afternoon will include a meditation.

Open to all.

Advance Notice of Contact Healing Refresher Day, with Frank Hansen.

Please note that in advance of the autumn north west regional mailing, regional contact healers may wish to make a note in their diary that Frank will be visiting the north west region, for one full day on 12th October this year.

Further information about activities for the autumn and winter session, will be available at a later date.

Please note. Bookings for each meeting, are essential, because the number of seats in the hall are limited. Please bring your own refreshments into the hall.

There is no charge for any of these afternoons, but donations are welcome.

For further information, please contact Jennifer using the email address at the top of this page.