New Addresses Added to the White Eagle Teachings Database

Estimated Reading Time: Under 1 min

9 addresses by White Eagle in 1955 have just been uploaded to the White Eagle Teachings Database, taking the total number of Sunday addresses on the database to over 200!

The latest set includes:

  • Loving the Lord thy God
  • The Lighthouse
  • The Object of Group Work
  • The Beauteous Lily
  • Disciples of the Master
  • The Purpose of Incarnation
  • Shining with the Christ Light
  • Gifts from Spirit
  • White Eagle's Christmas Address

"In the past, as you know, there have been periods of catastrophe, apparent failure, but we do not see, as you see, these catastrophes as failures – but in the light of a pulling down, a clearing of the way for reconstruction."

White Eagle - The Object of Group Work

If you're just discovering the White Eagle Teachings Database for the first time, a set of articles by Colum Hayward provides more insight into The Teachings and guidance on reading them:

Reading the White Eagle Teaching

"There is a concentration upon the loss of the physical body, instead of understanding that the soul which occupied that physical body has gone into a world of light. There should be thanksgiving and rejoicing."

White Eagle - The Lighthouse

By the end of 2021, 25,430 people in over 100 countries have accessed the database, with a total of 60,381 document views/downloads.

Both the White Eagle Inner Teachings and Sunday Addresses are proving very popular. Sunday Addresses continue to be added, a year at a time, and currently comprise the years 1933-1955.

"All such gifts, whatever they are, whether they are the result of physical labour, mental labour or spiritual labour, are acceptable to God and all the heavenly hosts, and therefore we will say ‘thank you’, as you say ‘thank you’ with us."

White Eagle - Gifts from Spirit

This project, as it unfolds, becomes more and more a true archive for everyone now, and most of all for future generations, of everything White Eagle has ever told us all through Minesta (Grace Cooke).