White Eagle Lodge in London is producing a series of online classes running from November 2022 through to February 2023.

Established Yogini Jenny Beeken is holding a series of classes on the nature of breathing, while Colum Hayward is holding classes on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his connection to the White Eagle Lodge story. 

Find out more below!

Online Classes: Breathing with Jenny Beeken

10.00 – 11.00 am

8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th November and 6th, 13th, 20th December

Seven weeks x £8 = £56

Please pay by PayPal (jennybeeken48@gmail.com) or otherwise to the account J. A. Beeken at LLOYDS 30-96-61, 00058686. 50% of your payment goes to the London Lodge and 50% to Jenny as teacher.

Jenny’s new book, The Nature of Breathing accompanies the series. Please email enquiries@white-eagle.org.uk


Online Classes: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his messages

Thursdays at 10.30 am (to 11.30)

26 January: Who was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?

2 February: How did he become part of the White Eagle Lodge story?

9 February: The Agents in Making the Connection: who were the Polaires?

16 February: Conan Doyle’s vision of the planes of life

23 February: Summary; the ‘Conan Doyle Book’ and its history

For a Zoom link, please email: 


A donation is welcome: please either text your amount to the number 70450. Your text should simply read WEGIVE10 (or 5, or whatever amount you want to give in full pounds) – or, if you would prefer, send a cheque made out to White Eagle Lodge London, to Colum Hayward, 2 St Ann’s Rd, London SW13 9LJ.