Astrology Update

An update for 22nd July 2024, by Patricia Godden

The Sun moves into Leo on 22nd July joining Mercury and Venus in this sign. The soul lesson of Leo is love and this includes a love of life and being alive. Discussions and co-operation could be warm and open. At this time of year, a love of having a good time comes naturally. This is often outdoors in the northern hemisphere. The light of the spiritual Sun can shine through all we do.

An aspect between the Sun and retrograde Saturn in Pisces until 29th July suggests that defensive feelings might affect the free flow of joy and enthusiasm for life in some cases. However, this is an opportunity to look for the love and joy that is at the core of every person, even if it is buried underneath all the activities of everyday living.

The Sun is highlighting retrograde Pluto in Aquarius, the planet associated with transformation, until 1st August. The urge to change whatever has run its course may be more obvious as ideas from deep within come into conscious awareness. This may include ideas for social or global reform that reflect deeper aspects of mass consciousness.

Mercury moves into Virgo on 25th July followed by Venus on 5th August. Over the next month or so, there could be enhanced ability to analyse situations, greater attention to detail and increased discernment about the best way forward. This can be beneficial for precision work or when an eye for detail is necessary. These qualities may be beneficial when considering new contracts.

With Mars and Jupiter in Gemini for the whole of the period covered by this update, there may be many new and varied ideas. It may not be easy to get below the surface when looking for the meaning or implication of the vast array of concepts and schemes being discussed. Talks that cover a range of subjects allow different viewpoints and possibilities to be debated.

There may be lively or even heated discussions on the many new ideas. It may take effort, wisdom and intuition to decide which are the most useful to society.  Openness, flexibility to accommodate different points of view and willingness to persevere with what seems right could be helpful. This relates to tense interactions between Jupiter, retrograde Saturn in Pisces and Pluto as well as between Mercury, Mars in Gemini and Uranus in Taurus.

Chiron in Aries stations on 26th July prior to going retrograde two days later. It will be retrograde until the end of the year. This gives humanity an opportunity to review issues relating to identity that may have arisen since April 2024. By looking deeper, a more profound understanding of true identity may surface from the subconscious.

There is a planetary interaction called a ‘yod’ between Mercury, retrograde Neptune in Pisces and retrograde Pluto in Aquarius until 29th July. Another yod includes Venus, Neptune and Pluto from 3rd – 6th August. The point of resolution in both cases is Pisces suggesting that compassion and consideration of spiritual values may help humanity adjust to changing circumstances.

The new Moon in Leo is on 4th August. It interacts harmoniously with the south node of the Moon in Libra and the north node in Aries. While there may be a greater interest in self and ones’ own wishes these urges are moderated by past experience in understanding and considering others. There is the possibility that this new Moon could be used to promote the well-being of all through unconditional love.

As the new Moon also interacts harmoniously with Mars and Jupiter, brilliant ideas may be used to further this. A tense interaction with Neptune could bring greater awareness of the feelings of other people introducing another perspective to thought-orientated ideas.

For much of the next two weeks, most of the planets are between Saturn in Pisces and Mercury in Leo then Virgo. Pluto in Aquarius is outside of this grouping. This places emphasis on the Saturn, Mercury and Pluto. In addition, Mercury stations on 4thAugust to go retrograde two days later. This can be interpreted as follows.

Saturn in Pisces can be indicative of the dissolution of rules and regulations that no longer serve society. There could also be a greater interest in bringing spirituality to Earth. While Mercury is stationary and then retrograde, people may take stock of what is happening and that can allow ideas for change and reform to surface, all contributing to the evolution of humanity.

Keep well, stay happy.

Patricia Godden