Astrology Update
An update for 30th September 2024, by Patricia Godden
The main astrological feature in the coming two weeks is a solar eclipse on 2nd October. This solar eclipse happens when the Sun, Moon and south node of the Moon are close together in Libra. As Mercury is close to the Sun, it suggests that there could be new beginnings in balanced and harmonious communication. There might be greater consideration and understanding of other people.
These planets in Libra are opposite the north node of the Moon in Aries. This reinforces the significance of integrating thoughtfulness and respect for others while striving towards new goals and ambitions. New projects often benefit from having the support of other people. The eclipse highlights the use of relationship skills learned in the past when initiating enterprising projects.
The energy of a solar eclipse is felt for a few weeks before the day of the actual eclipse and for some months, even a year or more, afterwards. This means that there is plenty of time for humanity to learn about and implement the qualities of the eclipse.
Retrograde Pluto will be in Capricorn for another couple of months. Over the next two weeks, Pluto forms a harmonious link with the south node of the Moon in Aries. This is an opportunity to attend to changes that need to be made in large organisations and establishments by trying to take different opinions and points of view into consideration.
For much of the next two weeks, there is a tense interaction between the Sun and Mercury in Libra and Mars in Cancer. Strong feelings and heated discussions could be at odds with wanting to find harmony and peace. With effort, it is possible to hear and be heard by others; to feel and understand their point of view and find a way through the middle of whatever is going on.
At the same time, there are harmonious interactions from Jupiter in Gemini to the Sun and Mercury in Libra and retrograde Chiron in Aries. Jupiter starts its annual retrograde phase on 10th October. There could be many new ideas about how to assert individuality or resolve issues concerning expression of self and personal identity. Understanding oneself better might benefit understanding other people.
There are also harmonious connections between Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer. Although neither planet is particularly comfortable in the signs they are occupying, both Scorpio and Cancer are water signs and share the soul lesson of peace. This interaction opens up the possibility of looking beneath the surface to find solutions for new ways of bringing greater peace to the planet.
Jupiter currently forms a tense aspect to retrograde Saturn in Pisces. Although it might take some effort, this interaction could be used constructively. The many new ideas that may come about while Jupiter is in Gemini could assist dissolving regulations and limitations that no longer serve humanity, linking with retrograde Saturn in Pisces. As rigidity softens, new ways of thinking can emerge.
From 9thOctober, Venus in Scorpio is opposite Uranus in Taurus, the sign that Venus rules. At one level, this can be interpreted as a love of intensity and sudden or dramatic changes in traditions. At a deeper level, there could be a love of finding the truth of the mysteries of life that might contribute to a better understanding of the role that humanity plays on planet Earth.
From 11th – 13th October, there is a yod between Mercury in Libra, retrograde Uranus in Taurus and retrograde Neptune in Pisces. Mercury, sometimes called the ‘messenger of the gods’, interacts with two of the generational planets. Listening to the truth within might help in understanding what is going on in the world and possibly lead to answers in how to help humanity evolve towards harmony with all life.
Over the two weeks of this update, there is a grand trine between Mars in Cancer, Venus in Scorpio and retrograde Saturn in Pisces. The Venus-Mars interaction was mentioned earlier. The involvement of Saturn brings the feeling that much wisdom could be garnered from what is currently going on. Underneath all that is happening on the surface, there is the opportunity to find deep and long-lasting peace.
From 11thOctober, retrograde Neptune in Pisces gradually replaces Saturn in the grand trine with Venus and Mars. At a profound level, there is the possibility to transcend what is understood by the word ‘peace’. It is not just something sought in the world but something that can be found deep within each person and radiate outwards for the good of all.
Keep well, stay happy.