Get in touch
White Eagle Lodge London
8 Hop Gardens
London, UK
Tel: 07735 684 136

Join us for a series of themed activities, month by month, throughout the year!
For more information about our Spiritual Discoveries series, including how to get involved, please click here.
Our Activities
White Eagle Lodge in London offers a programme of physical activities at Hop Gardens on Mondays and Fridays, along with a substantial list of online activities.
For a full programme, please email
In Person Activities
Monday: Activities are open to all from 11.30 am to 3.00 pm. Coming for the first time? You may like to come during the lunch break (12.30 to 1.10 pm), or before the contact healing service (1.30 pm).
Friday: Activities open to all from 11.30 am to 3.30 pm. Coming for the first time? You may like to arrive during the lunch break (12.45 to 1.30 pm), or before the contact healing service (1.30 pm), or for our discussion time (2.30 pm).
Online Activities
Wednesday: We are online with a full programme from just before 12 noon through to 4.30 pm, but with a lunch break (12.30 to 1.40). For a Zoom link, please email us.
Sundays: We hold what we call ‘A Little Service of Peace’ fortnightly at 11.15 am (Zoom room opens at 11.00 am). Dates through to July: 9th and 23rd March, 6th April, 11th and 25th May, 8th and 22nd June, 6th and 20th July. For a Zoom link, please email us.
Retreat Days
We hold regular retreat days, normally on Saturdays.
On Brotherhood (8th March)
On Healing (17th May)
On Trust ( June TBC)
How to find us
Directions to White Eagle Lodge London: