Eastern England Region

Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk & Suffolk

Contact: Jean Brown 

Email: easternengland@white-eagle.org.uk

Active groups in our region:


Contact: Ursula

Telephone: 01376 331988

Meetings: 4th Wednesday each month plus Brotherhood Service


Contact: Jean

Email: easternengland@white-eagle.org.uk

Telephone: 01268 524985

Meetings: 1st & 4th Tuesday and 3rd Thursday (10am-12pm) each month. Includes study and discussion groups, plus meditation.

Click here to download current programme

North Walsham

Contact: Val

Email: val.dawn621@btinternet.com

Telephone: 07798 903733

Meetings: 3rd Friday (2:30pm) each month. Spaces are limited, please call to confirm.