Spring in the Wessex Centre Gardens

Get in touch

Wessex Star Centre

7 Leicester Road, Branksome Park,

Poole, Dorset

BH13 6BZ

Email: wessex@white-eagle.org.uk

How to find us

Directions to our regional centre in Wessex:

Our Activities

To view our latest newsletter, please click here.

Saturday 6th July: Summer Afternoon Tea with Earth Healing Attunement.

All are very welcome to join us for a scrumptious afternoon tea. An earth healing attunement will be held at 2.00pm in the garden - weather permitting- otherwise in the Chapel. Frank Perry will be bringing his singing bowls along - Frank has been working with Singing Bowls since 1971 and has a wealth of information. Collecting since those early days, he has a premiere collection of antiques, some dating back centuries, with which to share his wisdom of working with sound. A musician since 1964 he has had 128 album releases. Working with chakras and spiritual practices since 1965, he brings much to share. No prior knowledge of singing bowls will is needed.

There will also be the chance to win a prize in the raffle - the draw will take place about 4.00pm after the tea. Admission £5 including afternoon tea and drinks. 1.00pm to 4.30pm

Saturday 26th July: Retreat Day with Anna Hayward: ‘Inspiration and Creative Power’.

Anna will offer some thoughts about how we can develop our inspiration and creative power. We will explore how this can be used in the spiritual context, and in order to draw out and enhance - the beauty, harmony, balance - every day. There will be opportunities for discussion, experience and meditation. 

10.00am for 10.30am start - please look in advance. Fee £10. Light refreshments provided. You may like to bring a vegetarian packed lunch.


  • We are holding group meditation sessions on a Thursday at 2.15pm on the following dates: 30th May, 27th June, 26th September, 31st October, 28th November.

Distant Healing 

  • We hold a distant healing group every Tuesday.

If you are interested in joining a distant healing group or wish to receive further details on any of the above activities or services, please email the centre for more details.
