Gifts of Gold
Post by Jenny Dent
The story of the three Wise Men following the Star to find the birthplace of the one said to be the long awaited `Messiah` is one of the well known and much loved aspects of the Christmas story. Many of us, parents, grandparents, family friends and teachers have probably attended numerous Nativity plays in the last days of the school term, when happy children, suitably robed and crowned have knelt down in front of the little crib complete with baby doll, to offer their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Is there truth in the story of the Wise Men, or is it a myth, the down to earth Aquarian mind may wonder nowadays, when Christmas seems all about a different sort of gold - the ‘gold’ needed to buy presents and indulge in all the material delights of this time of year?

Image by Inbal Malca
Well, I think the pilgrimage across the desert did actually happen, and White Eagle himself was one of the attendants making that historic journey. When I ask him to confirm, he smiles his enigmatic smile! He says that much more important than that is the reminder of what the gifts symbolise and very especially the gift of Gold. Gold, is probably the most valued material currency of all time. When paper money and money markets go up and down, putting one's wealth in gold is probably as safe as any material thing.
But the gift of Gold actually symbolises the gift of love that the Christ spirit brings into every human heart. It is a gift far more valuable than all the material gold in the world. This gift of love may better be described as kindness, thoughtfulness and caring one for another. And, it is stimulated at the time of the Christmas festival, when there truly is a great outpouring of light and love from heavenly spheres which has the power to touch, comfort and uplift every human heart, irrespective of religion or belief.
My prayer this Christmas time is that every homeless person, every sick, sad, bereaved and lonely heart will be touched by the outpouring of the golden light of heaven.